Thursday, September 13, 2007

John C Dvorak is the Savant of CastBlaster

Tech Five has always been a show that I've loved. I guess that it captures the cranky essense of its host John C. Dvorak. John has been a big influence for me to get back into the podcasting arena with the PCWL podcast.

The thing that's always bugged me about the show is that John uses CastBlaster which I loathe (sorry Adam Curry). I just have never liked it. Maybe it's aimed more at pro podcasters, but I like the ability to make a few edits before I post. CastBlaster is more of a "one shot" recording.

The other annoying thing is the level of sound effects that come with the package. I must say that John has used these to perfection. I never thought anyone could use the bubbling cauldron to make a podcast pop, but John has done it.

It's nice to see him adding more sounds clips to the podcast (more Monty Python please). It makes it fun while still giving us his "cranky" view of the tech world.

Way to go John. You may be the best ad for CastBlaster yet.

Now if they would just work on a Mac edition......


Anonymous said...

Ubercaster works with PodShow out of thew box for Macs.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.